Combatting Child Labor Through Fostering Lifelong Hobbies
Providing after-school opportunities to promote a compliant supply chain.
The elimination of child labor within the supply chain is critical to the viability of the farmer and the sectors in which we operate. Across the globe, we mitigate instances of child labor through consistent farm monitoring and prompt actions, grower and community education, and opportunities to increase yields that help generate additional revenue.
One of the mitigation methods used by our local team in Malawi is the introduction and ongoing support of after-school activities. These programs encourage children to stay away from agricultural labor after school and promote education as well as physical, mental and social development through the provision of sporting equipment/infrastructure and indoor games.
In two growing areas, Chigonthi and Dowa, our local team, in conjunction with one of our customers, partnered with the Chess Association of Malawi (CHESSAM) in 2020 to form chess clubs at two local schools. The clubs offered students access to equipment – chess boards, pieces and clocks – and training in the game of chess, creating a hobby and lifelong strategic thinking skills.
During fiscal year 2022, a total of 57 students between the two schools enrolled in the program and four students represented their school in the African Schools Chess Championship Qualifiers. Two of the four students went on to play in the national championship games. Additionally, five teachers were trained to teach chess basics and provide future tournament support to the children.
The program was a likely contributor to the 100 percent reduction of child labor incidents in Dowa and the 80 percent reduction in Chigonthi when compared to the number of incidents prior to the onset of the program.